COVID-19 Policies and Updates
In light of the Governor’s recent decision and the actions of many organizations in our proximity, we have made the decision to temporarily transition most lessons and classes to a remote learning environment.
For those that are continuing in-person lessons:
DNA Music Academy has stocked safety supplies in advance. These supplies are currently stocked on site and are being used before/after every lesson that takes place.
Masks are required for entry into DNA Music Academy. No Exceptions. This includes Teachers, Parents and Students.
We are taking the following actions beyond the CDC recommendations to go above and beyond to keep everyone safe and healthy:
DNA Music Academy Teachers will wipe down any public surfaces with disinfecting wipes, such as piano keys, computers, and shared musical instruments or supplies between music lessons as well as any high contact areas.
DNA Music Academy will provide music lessons online for any students who are sick, or on home monitoring to reduce the risk of transmission
DNA Music Academy will make available hand sanitizer for hand-washing and sanitizing in addition to soap.
DNA Music Academy will make available tissue to students who may cough or sneeze.
DNA Music Academy Teachers and Students must do a health self-assessment. If they have had any COVID-19 symptoms, or have been exposed to anyone who does, they will not be allowed to enter the Academy.
DNA Music Academy remains open for lessons and classes, and all current CDC recommendations will be followed.